Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 4.Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 3.Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 2.Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 1.You can help Wookieepedia by expanding it. This article is a stub about a military subject. Īround 9 ABY, New Republic pilot Trapper Wolf wore the insignia of the Wolfpack on his flight helmet while pursuing the gunship Razor Crest in the atmosphere of Maldo Kreis for its involvement in freeing the Twi'lek Qin, a former prisoner aboard the New Republic Correctional Transport Bothan-5. When Gregor witnessed the wolves attack, he stated that it reminded him of the clone troopers of the Wolfpack, and Wolffe agreed, saying that the wolves fought just like his former unit had. When it appeared that the Empire had the Rebels corned, Ezra Bridger called upon a group of Loth-wolves to help against the stormtroopers. During the liberation, the Clone Wars veteran fought alongside fellow clone troopers Clone Captain Rex and clone commando Gregor. In preparation for the Liberation of Lothal, the Spectres called among many of their old allies to assist in the planet's liberation from the Empire, and among these allies was Wolffe. Wolffe and his troopers were later sent on a mercy mission to the world of Aleen. The squad and its leadership, Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander CC-3636 "Wolffe," served in battles like the Mission to Quarmendy, Siege of Hisseen, and Battle of Abregado, the latter of which saw heavy casualties for the 104th. The Wolfpack was a squad of clone troopers in the 104th Battalion.

Wolffe led the Wolfpack during the Clone Wars.